Most are men who go about their jobs and professions with no hint they are Freemasons except for the way they lead their lives. Many are readily recognizable by name, face, or accomplishment. George Washington and thirteen other Presidents, eight Vice Presidents and forty-two Justices of the Supreme Court have been Masons.

Eddy Arnold Roy Acuff Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Gene Autry L. Van Beethoven Irving Berlin Simon Bolivar Ernest Borgnine Omar Bradley Richard E. Byrd DeWitt Clinton Ty Cobb George M. Cohan Davy Crockett Norm Crosby Cecil B. deMille Jack Dempsey John Diefenbaker Jimmy Doolittle Duke Ellington John Elway Sir Alexander Fleming Gerald R. Ford Henry Ford |
Benjamin Franklin Clark Gable Benjamin Gilman John Glenn Arthur Godfrey Barry Goldwater John Hancock Harry Hershfield Harry Houdini Sam Houston Hubert H. Humphrey Burl Ives Andrew Jackson Al Jolson John Paul Jones Jack Kemp Rudyard Kipling Marquis de Lafayette Fiorello LaGuardia Charles Lindberg Douglas MacArthur George C.Marshall Thurgood Marshall Charles W. Mayo |
James Monroe Wolfgang A. Mozart Audey Murphy Arnold Palmer Dr. Norman V. Peale J.C. Penny John Pershing Eddie Rickenbacker Branch Rickey Will Rogers Theodore Roosevelt Franklin D.Roosevelt David Sarnoff Jean Sibelius Red Skelton John Philip Sousa Danny Thomas Dave Thomas Lowell Thomas Harry S. Truman Booker T. Washington George Washington Thomas J. Watson John Wayne |